Monday, February 9, 2015

Testing Season

In middle schools across the state life will be very different starting on February 17th. The new states tests that are all online will start the "performance based" section which will be in the areas of Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science. Through the capabilities that computers afford as opposed to paper pencil, students will be asked to manipulate and manage the content in an entirely new way. At EMS students are being exposed, educated and coached up in ways that will ease the anxiety that these high stakes test afford.

Two important acronyms to know are P.A.R.C.C. and A.I.R. 

P.A.R.C.C. (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career)
-language arts

A.I.R. (American Institute for Research) 
-social studies

Dates of Tests based on grade level (1st round only)

6th Grade: February 18- 20/ March 4-6

7th Grade: February 23- 25/ March 9-10

8th Grade: February 26- March 3/ March 11- 12

Here at Eaton Middle School You Matter!